upload to www and social networks
Optimised for all the systems
Usable for virtual reality
Link within the QR codes
Compatabile with printers
Emotions awaken
Emotional experience with virtual reality
“The most modern and effective form of visual marketing.”
“It delivers a ‘real’ interactive user experience with audio-visual sensory stimulation.”
Options and services
- Creating VR headset tours for clients who attend exhibitions, conferences and fairs.
- Creating VR applications for tourism development.
- Virtual realitz for hotels, wellness centers, sports grounds, museums, exhibitions, travel agencies, science centers and tourist areas etc.
- The ability to create VR visualizations of premises, customised applications, production processes and reference materials.
- Object photo shoots and virtual reality programming.
- Virtual reality for premises and developers.
(Compatible with Google Cardboard, Zeiss VR, HTC vive, Samsung Gear, Oculus and Rift etc)